Carly Sandusky

Carly Sandusky

Hardcore coffee scholar. Wannabe zombie enthusiast. Avid bacon lover. Incurable beer lover. Unapologetic internet trailblazer. Evil travel fan.

48 Author´s Posts
What Happens After Years of Botox Use?

What Happens After Years of Botox Use?

Botox is a popular injectable treatment that has been used for decades to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine...

What are the Benefits and Risks of Botox Injections?

What are the Benefits and Risks of Botox Injections?

Botox injections are a popular cosmetic procedure used to reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of the skin. The...

How Long Does It Take for Botox to Be Absorbed and Take Effect?

How Long Does It Take for Botox to Be Absorbed and Take Effect?

Botox injections are a popular and effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. But how long does...

How Long Does Botox Last on the Forehead?

How Long Does Botox Last on the Forehead?

The treatment with Botox on the forehead is very similar to other parts of the face that are treated with this product....

How Long Do the Side Effects of Botox Injections Last?

How Long Do the Side Effects of Botox Injections Last?

Stomach upset, nausea, or constipation may occur in 1 to 10% of patients receiving Botox injections. Symptoms are...

Is Botox for Migraines Different from Botox for Wrinkles?

Is Botox for Migraines Different from Botox for Wrinkles?

No, using botox to prevent headaches due to chronic migraine is not the same as using it to help with wrinkles. Botox...

Botox in Denver CO

Botox in Denver CO

We had an interview with a new Medical spa in Denver CO owned by Lea Gattoni. Millions of people have rediscovered a...

Does Bladder Botox Work Right Away?

Does Bladder Botox Work Right Away?

Botox is a powerful drug that is injected into the bladder muscle to help reduce involuntary urine loss. It is...

How Long Does Botox Last? Expert Advice on Maximizing Results

How Long Does Botox Last? Expert Advice on Maximizing Results

If you're considering Botox for the first time, it's important to understand that the results may not be as long-lasting...

Does Botox Last Longer After Multiple Sessions?

Does Botox Last Longer After Multiple Sessions?

When injected for aesthetic reasons, Botox typically lasts four to six months on average. However, the effects of your...

How Often Should You Get Botox Injections?

How Often Should You Get Botox Injections?

In general, most people should receive botox injections once every four months for optimal results. However, because...

How long does the botox discomfort last?

How long does the botox discomfort last?

Once you are ready, the injections will be done in several areas to target the desired muscles. You may have some small...

Is Botox a Steroid Injection?

Is Botox a Steroid Injection?

Corticosteroids are known to be more effective than botulinum toxin type A in relieving tennis elbow pain four weeks...

Can Botox Move After 3 Days? - An Expert's Perspective

Can Botox Move After 3 Days? - An Expert's Perspective

Botox is a popular cosmetic treatment that has been used for years to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dynamic...

Can Botox Injections Cause Permanent Damage?

Can Botox Injections Cause Permanent Damage?

Toxins can spread to surrounding tissues and this can be fatal. Cosmetic use of botox is safe even in cases of repeated...

How Long Does Botox Last for the First Time?

How Long Does Botox Last for the First Time?

If you're considering getting Botox for the first time, you may be wondering how long the results will last. The answer...

How Long Does Botox Last the First Time?

How Long Does Botox Last the First Time?

When you get your first Botox treatment, you can expect to see the effects last between three and four months. After...

Can You Get Botox 2 Months Apart? An Expert's Guide

Can You Get Botox 2 Months Apart? An Expert's Guide

It's unlikely that you'll need Botox every two months, but you may need a refill every three months or so if you want to...

How Many Units of Botox Do You Need for Your Forehead?

How Many Units of Botox Do You Need for Your Forehead?

When it comes to Botox injections for the forehead, the number of units you need may vary depending on your age, facial...

How Many Units of Botox Do You Need for Forehead Lines?

How Many Units of Botox Do You Need for Forehead Lines?

According to Allergan's guide, there are twelve units for crow's feet or wrinkles around the eyes to get the desired...

What Happens if Botox Enters the Bloodstream?

What Happens if Botox Enters the Bloodstream?

Botox is a drug made from a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum called botulinum toxin. It is...

Botulinum toxin injections

Botulinum toxin injections

We sat down with Skin Tightening, Botox and Lip Fillers by Skinsation LA to understand Botulinum toxin injections. A...

The Benefits of Botox Injections: What You Need to Know

The Benefits of Botox Injections: What You Need to Know

Botulinum toxin, or Botox, is a powerful protein that can help stop muscle spasms. It is injected directly into the...

What are the Long-Term Effects of Botox?

What are the Long-Term Effects of Botox?

Botox is an FDA-approved low-risk treatment with an excellent safety record. If you continue to work with a reputable and ...

How to Get Rid of a Headache After Botox Treatment

How to Get Rid of a Headache After Botox Treatment

Treating a headache after a Botox treatment can be done by taking an over-the-counter headache remedy such as...

How Long Does Botox Last in the Body?

How Long Does Botox Last in the Body?

Botox is a pure protein, which means that it cannot be replicated and is slowly metabolized by the body. It is injected...

Are Botox Injections Painful? An Expert's Perspective

Are Botox Injections Painful? An Expert's Perspective

Botox injections are not designed to cause pain, so you don't have to worry about excessive discomfort. However, it is...

How Much Botox Can You Get on Your Forehead?

How Much Botox Can You Get on Your Forehead?

When it comes to Botox injections for the forehead, the amount of units you need can vary depending on your age, facial...

Can Botox Injections be Toxic?

Can Botox Injections be Toxic?

Botox injections use a toxin called OnobotulinumtoxinA to temporarily prevent a muscle from moving. This toxin is...

How Long Does the Feeling of Tightness from Botox Last?

How Long Does the Feeling of Tightness from Botox Last?

After your first treatment, Palep says you may experience a slight feeling of tightness or heaviness, which will decrease ...

Can Botox Disappear in 2 Months? - An Expert's Perspective

Can Botox Disappear in 2 Months? - An Expert's Perspective

The effects of Botox injections can last anywhere from two to six months, with the average being three to four months....

What Happens to Your Face When You Get Botox?

What Happens to Your Face When You Get Botox?

Botox is a popular injectable treatment that is used to temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles and expression...

Is Botox Toxic in the Long Term? A Comprehensive Review

Is Botox Toxic in the Long Term? A Comprehensive Review

There are no long-term or life-threatening side effects associated with botulinum toxin treatment for any cosmetic...

Does Botox Last Less the First Time?

Does Botox Last Less the First Time?

It is common for beginners to notice that their first Botox treatment may not last as long as subsequent treatments. This ...

Are Botox Injections Painful for Migraines?

Are Botox Injections Painful for Migraines?

Botox injections are almost painless, but they may cause a slight sting or burning sensation. During the procedure, the...

Does Stopping Botox Worsen Wrinkles? An Expert's Perspective

Does Stopping Botox Worsen Wrinkles? An Expert's Perspective

People who have used Botox as a long-term treatment may have unknowingly trained themselves not to contract the facial...

What Happens After Years of Using Botox?

What Happens After Years of Using Botox?

Toxins can spread to surrounding tissues and this can be fatal, but Botox will continue to make you look younger, even if ...

How Many Units of Botox Do You Need for Your Forehead?

How Many Units of Botox Do You Need for Your Forehead?

When it comes to Botox treatments, no two patients are alike. The amount of units needed for your forehead will depend on ...

How Long Can You Use Botox For Anti-Aging?

How Long Can You Use Botox For Anti-Aging?

Botox is a popular anti-aging treatment that can temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It works...

How Long Does it Take for Botox to Work in the Bladder?

How Long Does it Take for Botox to Work in the Bladder?

It takes about one week for Botox to start working, but the full effect of the drug can take up to two weeks. This is...

What is the Success Rate of Botox in the Bladder?

What is the Success Rate of Botox in the Bladder?

Botox is a medicine made from a toxin produced by bacteria, called botulinum toxin. It is used to treat a variety of...

How Much Botox Do You Need for a Full Facial Treatment?

How Much Botox Do You Need for a Full Facial Treatment?

Just above the eyebrows and between the eyes are called expression lines. According to the recommendations, this requires ...